6th Grade Music Quiz 3

Name________________________________       Date________________________________

1) Mozart was born in

A) Tucson

B) Austria

C) London

D) Australia

2) What year

A) 900 

B) 1756

C) 1492

D) 1665

3) Mozart began his career before he was

A) 5

B) 10

C) 15

D) 20

4) He performed at the Court of Empress Maria when he was

A) 15

B) 11

C) 6

D) Tuba

5) By the time Mozart was 13 he had written

A) Sonatas

B) Concertos

C) Operas

D) All

 6) Mozart was a

A) Company 

B) Free spirit

C) Loyal follower

D) Dedicated employee

7) Mozart was fired for being difficult

A) True

B) False

8) He was super rich when he died

A) True

B) False

9) Mozart is more famous now than when he was alive

A) True

B) False

10) He died in

A) 4000

B) 1791

C) 2024

D) 1890