
BM in Voice, BYU

Juris Doctorate, University of South Dakota. PLEASE don't call me Dr. Wetzel, Mr. Wetzel is fine :)

"Welcome to

the Studio!"

-Mr. Wetzel

History is manifested either through man’s wars or man’s arts. I have a tendency to want to believe that the arts are the more passionate, more caring, more loving, and also more enduring legacy.


Producing Artistic Director, The Phoenix Theatre Company

Wetzel Reel (3).mp4
Proud Mary.mp4


Music by Justin Hurwitz, Hans Zimmer, Henry Jackman, Howard Shore, Nicholas Hooper, Thomas Newman, Walt Disney, Pasek and Paul, Alvin Silvestri, Alan Menkin, and John Williams


There is a single category (Projects and Participation) that totals 1000 points

Final (cumulative composition and review of material covered in-class) - 250 points. THIS IS A FINAL PROJECT. YOU WORK ON IT BEFORE THE DUE DATE AND HAVE TIME TO FINISH IT IN CLASS DAY OF.

Practice Logs and Compositions - 5 Checks worth 50 points each

Concert Attendance/Rehearsal (and make-ups): 250 points

Quizzes: 5 Quizzes worth 50 points each (composing, song lyrics, etc.)

Winter/Spring Showcase (2+ songs)

Possibility of solos and duets


*Have a binder. Your practice log is like a CJ for this class. It is SUPER important. Also, use your CJ.

*Don't talk. We have work to do.

*Practice outside of here please. 

I can tell if you don't do it. Thank you :)

·   Students will bring their practice logs (with name) to every class to be checked.

·   Students will bring their music (with name) to every class to be checked.

·   Food, drink, or gum are not permitted in class, except for health reasons as communicated by Admin to instructor. Water is permitted.

·   Language is to be professional and there is a zero-tolerance policy for profanity or bullying. KAHFOOTY! Keep All Hands Feet and Other Objects To Yourself! Raise hand if you want to talk.

·   If students are not prepared for class with these items or in their musical preparation from at-home practice they will lose points.

·   At-home practice consists of reviewing the material covered in class and filling out the daily practice log (Monday-Friday). Students are to practice 20 minutes each night.

·   Students enter the Studio at a Zero and are at rest position unless actively playing instruments or singing (when instructed).

·   Students are not to talk or get out of their seat without permission during class. A sign-out sheet is by the door for restroom and water. Students must ask permission and sign-out before leaving, limit one student at a time.

·   Students must raise their hand and be called on before speaking in class.

·   Class consists of a Do Now, Instruction/Rehearsal, Assessment/Exit Ticket, and Assignment for the following meeting.

·   Students will depart the Studio, row by row, at a Zero and remain at a Zero in the hallway.

The expectation is that you practice a minimum of 20 minutes every day, Monday-Friday and log it below.

This dog is trained to sniff out people who don't practice.